The People You Never Meet

“There are two ways of spreading light, to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it” – Edith Wharton Today I woke thinking of someone I have never met. Now it may seem odd that my first thought of the day is of a perfect stranger but I am sure you can relate if you give it enough thought. There are plenty of people we encounter in life that we give too much thought or emotion considering they are just strangers. Think about it. READ MORE

Making A Difference

Giving of my time to others started at a young age for me. There were the little moments when I was young when I use to stop and talk to strangers (yeah, my Mom wasn’t crazy about that), taking extra time to just sit and pet cats that generally did not want anyone to touch them or visiting the local senior living home while out roaming the neighborhoods (back then you could just wander in by yourself). When I turned 12 I joined an international READ MORE

Can You Have It All?

I consider myself a self-starter, independent and hard working. I found a way to put myself through college full-time while working part-time, started working after graduation, became a CPA, obtained a Masters Degree and never stopped moving. Fast-forward a decade or two and I have the big job, add a husband and two kids and you may say “I Have It All”. Totally normal life for today’s working Mom/Wife and what every woman should be working towards. Or, so we are taught. I have received READ MORE

Independence Day

Happy Independence Day   As the Country collectively celebrates its Independence with BBQ’s and fireworks I reflect upon the various moments of independence we celebrate during our lives. Our first steps, kindergarten, staying home alone for the first time, going to the movies with our friends, getting a drivers license, a job, and finally moving out on our own. Our life growing up is filled with goals of independence. Over the last few years as I have begun to wake up, as some may call READ MORE