Independence Day

Happy Independence Day


As the Country collectively celebrates its Independence with BBQ’s and fireworks I reflect upon the various moments of independence we celebrate during our lives. Our first steps, kindergarten, staying home alone for the first time, going to the movies with our friends, getting a drivers license, a job, and finally moving out on our own. Our life growing up is filled with goals of independence.

Over the last few years as I have begun to wake up, as some may call it, reflect upon my life and ponder the direction I want to take the next chapter. Today as we celebrate I wonder when did we stop seeking independence in our lives. Why is it the moment we become adults and able to make decisions for ourselves it is the moment the majority of us fall in line. We go to college, we get that degree that will provide a stable income, we get married, we get the mortgage, the car and pursue the six figure salary. After 25 years I can assure there is no pursuit of independence involved in any of that.

As I stand here on the other side I realize how much independence I actually enjoyed in my youth and how little we have as adults. So, I am at a turning point in my life where I am opting to take back some independence. To make decisions for myself versus giving that control to someone else and allowing them to make those decisions for me. We are no longer minors living under our our parent’s roof. We don’t have to follow the rules laid before us or conform to some perceived norm. We can say no to the crazy work hours, the unfulfilling jobs and the big mortgages. If that is what we choose.

I may be late to the game because I was in such a hurry to grow up but here I am. Celebrating my independence. It is never too late to find what it is you are passionate about in life. To choose yourself over the grind or your family over the crazy rat race. At 45 I am taking time to embrace that independence again and tapping into the “I can do anything” attitude of an 18 year old who doesn’t let fear hold them back. Granted it is because that 18 year old doesn’t know any better but there is something to be said for that. I am choosing to believe I can accomplish anything I set my sights on if I want it bad enough and allowing myself the freedom to pursue my goals free of fear.

Some of the best advice I have received on this journey came from my then 8 year old son. He said to me, “Mom, I can change the past and the future. What I do right now will become the past and the future.” After sitting a moment and taking time to process what he had said to me and wishing I had found that truth at such a young age the statement hit me. No matter my age or the choices I have made I can change the past and the future.

The independence I had so easily taken for granted and given up I can reclaim, redefine and reshape. We have that gift within each of us. To find the joy and excitement we found in those first steps, first outings, first independent moments of our lives again. Those are the moments that make us feel alive. The moments that tell us we are on the right path in our pursuit of living our passion and following our calling. No matter how unconventional it may seem to others. We are changing the past and the future and regaining our independence in the process.

Happy Independence Day My Friends!!