Are You Building A Life Or A Career?

“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people just exist.” – Oscar Wilde We know the saying, “Life is short” but do we heed its meaning and take advantage of the time we have on earth?  I, for one, did not for a good few years of my life.  I didn’t know I wasn’t until recently.  I was doing what I thought every person was suppose to do.  Work, work harder, make money, make more, get the promotion, and build “the life“. READ MORE

Don’t Choose The Path of Least Resistance

Obstacles do not block the path, they are the path – Zen Proverb We know the phrase “Path of Least Resistance” but do you know if you are suppose to choose it or avoid it? The initial response is to avoid. We are trained to go the opposite direction when we meet resistance. When a door won’t open, a jar lid won’t budge or a screw won’t loosen we know to go the other direction. The same is true of our interactions with people. If READ MORE

If You Aren’t Seeing Results – The Answer Lies Within Your Intentions

A Tree By Its Fruits You can always identify a tree by its fruit. In the same way, you can always identify your intentions by your experiences. – The Heart of the Soul by Gary Zukav and Linda Francis –  Have you ever rowed a boat? If you have you know that how you place the paddle in the water and the force you use determines the direction your boat will go.  The same goes for throwing a baseball, bowling ball, driving a car and READ MORE